6 months from now you are working in your desired field, learning, contributing and earning a competitive salary...

  • 1-2 Months From Now

    You have complete clarity around what direction you are heading. You have a brand identity that feels right, a perfect resume that tells YOUR story, and a LinkedIn profile that you can use for "Quick Applies" (we cover this in the program!)

  • 2-3 Months From Now

    You are applying to jobs in your desired field, with ease. There is order and strategy behind your job search, which helps you feel calm, focused and even excited. You get initial interviews and are confident in your ability to make a favorable impact.

  • 3-4 Months From Now

    You continue to interview and are moving in on a job offer. You know exactly how to follow-up and negotiate an offer discussion. When the job offer comes in, you feel accomplished, excited and relieved. You are ready for this!


A Different Kind Of Career Coaching

We have taken everything we know about how companies hire, including 20 years of experience designing recruiting strategies and technologies for companies across the globe, so that you can navigate your job search without the overwhelm. You will learn exactly what to do – and not do – to execute your job search, be heard, and get hired. Students in our premier program get a fine balance of one-on-one coaching, group support, and self-paced learning, making it one of our most popular offerings!

Module 1

Learning How To Pivot

We start out by focusing on your mindset and by teaching you the PIVOT Equation. This equation serves as the foundation for all subsequent modules in the program. "Learning How To PIVOT" is a critical learning lesson that you will refer back to over and over throughout your career.

Module 2

Connecting With Your Personal Brand

We focus on crafting and articulating your elevator pitch. At the conclusion of module 2, you will have a unique, customized opening statement for your resume that you will also use when networking and interviewing.

Module 3

Crafting Your Authentic Resume

We will take a deep dive into crafting a resume that tells your story. You will learn the "6 second story" strategy, the components of an eye-catching resume, and how to go about architecting a bullet-proof resume that significantly increases the likelihood of being selected for an interview.

Module 4

Communicating with Impact

You will learn how to favorably make an impact when networking and interviewing. This module teaches you the important subtleties of verbal AND non-verbal communications that are taken into consideration when being evaluated for job opportunities.

Module 5

Networking for Influence and Success

You will gain awareness about what constitutes networking, how to go about building a professional network, and how to leverage that network to you help land a job in your desired field.

Module 6

Conducting Your Successful Job Search

You will learn EXACTLY what to do and not do when searching for job opportunities. This is a dense module with many examples on how to navigate the job search without losing time and focus.

Module 7

Mastering the Interview

We take a deep dive into our proven formula for preparing for interviews so that you feel confident and ready. You will learn where to focus your time and efforts so that you can articulate WHY you are a good fit for the opportunity and organization.

Module 8

Your Job Before THE Job

Now that you have landed the job (go you!), you will learn how to transition from being a job seeker to a new hire. There are many things to consider as a new hire, from administrative on-boarding tasks to being job-ready. The learnings in this module remove the ambiguity for you as a new hire and helps to ensure a strong start.

Customized Coaching

4 Private Coaching Sessions

This is a real differentiator for job seekers!! As a Premier Program student, you will have 4 private coaching sessions with an expert career consultant. These coaching sessions are strategically scheduled to support milestones throughout the program. More specifically, coaching sessions are organized as follows: 1 - Clarity Attracts & Brand Identity; 2 - Differentiating Resume & Elevator Pitch; 3 - Applying to Jobs; 4 - Preparing for Interviews.

Email Support

Real time access throughout

As a Premier Program student, you don't have to wait for a coaching session to get answers to your questions. You will have direct email access to our team of coaches so that you can continue moving forward!

2 "Flash" Calls

"Unplanned" support when you really need it

It is almost guaranteed that you will need last minute support as you move through the interview process. You will have questions that you can't possibly anticipate until you are in the moment. We are here to help you through those moments with our flash calls, where you reach out and we find a way to connect with you usually within a few hours.

Templates, Worksheets & Scripts

Printable workbook to support your learning

This workbook has it all! Each module has it's own worksheets, exercises, templates and/or scripts so that you aren't just learning - - you are doing.


The Land The Job Premier Program delivers the ideal balance of learning, coaching, and support for motivated job seekers. This is the only place where you will get direct, uncensored insight from global recruiting experts. You will go through the on-line learning modules using your workbook, worksheets and templates and will use those learnings to maximize the impact of your private coaching sessions. Your private coaching sessions will catapult you forward as we hone in on your unique job search. To further ensure your success, you will have email access to our team for 6 months as you work toward getting hired. Finally, you will join our bi-monthly Q&A calls (or listen in on the recordings) for additional learning and support.

  • 4 private coaching sessions customized to your situation and job search

  • Email access to our team for real time feedback in between coaching sessions

  • Flash calls for last minute, unscheduled support

  • A brand statement that works as your elevator pitch every time

  • An eye-catching, bullet-proof resume that tells your story and gets you interviews

  • The secret behind communicating that will differentiate you from the competition

  • A robust professional network that you will leverage in your job search and career

  • A focused, organized job search that will have you applying to the right jobs at the right times

  • Our proprietary, proven formula for mastering the interview without fear and uncertainty

  • The blueprint for starting your new job strong and ready to smash it!

"This program and the support I received helped me successfully work through the hiring process and land the job I have today..."

Beacon Lane worked with me from the beginning of my career transition right out of college and then again within the first couple years of my career. I landed a highly competitive internship in my desired field with their program and support. After my internship, I felt strongly about continuing my work in the non-profit sector and Beacon Lane provided invaluable expertise and guidance to support me in my career ambitions. Elaine and her team made the process easy and stress-free. They provided coaching and consultations where I felt comfortable expressing my professional concerns. This program and the support I received helped me successfully work through the hiring process and land the job that I have today. - Allee Surgeary, Center for Women's History, New York Historical Society Museum & Library


What is the investment for landing the job with ease, clarity and in less time?

Payment Options

We offer 2 payment options. No matter which option you choose, you will get immediate access to the learning content, your coaching sessions, and all of the other benefits of this program!

Get The Facts

  • Who qualifies as an “early career professional"?

    We define “early career professional” as someone who is early on in their career. This typically means they are either still in school seeking an internship, still in school and about to graduate, or graduated within the last 5 years. That said, we have students in our program who started their career later in life. If someone has under 4 years of experience, we consider them an early career professional.

  • I went to a few workshops on job search and while they were ok, I am still stuck. Will I have help if I am stuck?

    YES! This program includes 4 one-to-one coaching sessions that are strategically structured to support your progress through the program. We tell you exactly when to schedule your coaching sessions based on where you are in the curriculum, and we make it very easy for you to schedule based on your availability. In addition to the 4 private coaching sessions, you will have email support for 4 months and will be invited to open Q&A sessions twice a month.

  • I am graduating in a few months. Is it too early to start my job search?

    Not at all! It takes 3-6 months to land a job. That may sound like a long time, but it’s the absolute truth. Remember that it starts with getting your resume in order, which also takes a little bit of time - especially if you aren’t 100% clear on what you want to do. If your goal is to be employed upon graduation, you should start the process at least 3 months in advance. Also, keep in mind that you are competing with hundreds of other applicants, so you want to get going.

  • I graduated a couple of years ago and have been kind of lost. Will I still be able to land a job?

    The short answer is YES. Many of our students have been out of school 2-4 years and for one reason or another, are a little lost. The pairing of coaching and curriculum are extremely valuable for these students - many even opt for more coaching with us. For students who have been out of school a year or more, the key is to be very thoughtful about your narrative. We help you make sense out of your story - your education, skills, interests and experience - so that it appeals to employers.

  • Why do I need a course if I can just google and learn how to navigate a job search?

    This is a very valid and important question. I want to ask you this - will you really do it? How much time will you waste trying to figure out where to start, what to do next, what to say, what not to say, etc.? Not only that, how many distractions will come up once you start googling? Think videos and ads that are intentionally designed to distract you. While online tutorials can be helpful, they can also cause confusion. Sometimes there is too much information out there, making it difficult to know where to focus. As a student in this program, you will benefit from being walked through EXACTLY what you need to do - step by step - plus you will get the live support you need - making it almost impossible to get stuck.

  • I am uncertain about what career path is right for me. How do I get clarity?

    This is a very common challenge that we see. The very first module of our program addresses the mindset of an early career job seeker and the next module is all about your personal-professional brand. After the second module, you will have a private coaching session where we will work through any ambiguity you have around career direction.

  • I look at job postings and apply to them, but I never hear back. Will this program change that?

    Yes - we know exactly what you need to do to be seen amid the hundreds of other candidates. The benefit of being in this program is that we have also designed and implemented recruiting processes, strategies, and technology for companies all over the world. This means we intimately understand the inner workings of recruiting. The reason you don’t hear back from companies is often because their process for how they receive and review resumes is not what it needs to be. We call this a poor candidate experience. While you may not be right for the job, not hearing back is not a good candidate experience. While you have no control over how a company manages their applicants, you do have control over things that can improve your chances of hearing from companies that you apply to. We cover this in depth in the Land The Job Program.

  • I am very nervous about interviewing - not even sure what I would say. How do you help other students of your program work through that?

    You are not alone! Most people are nervous about interviewing - for some this is nervous energy and for others it is the fear of the unknown (e.g., what will they ask me). We have an entire module called “Mastering the Interview” where we give you very specific strategies and insights for preparing for your interviews. We then have a coaching session dedicated to preparing you, formulating your answers, and practicing interviewing together. Beyond this, we also make sure that you have the right body language, attire, and follow-up.

  • I am busy and my schedule is unpredictable. Do I need to follow a set schedule?

    The best part about this program is that you get to go at your own pace. The learning modules will be sent to you each week so that you have time to complete one before going to the next. If you don't have time to finish a module, you will still get the next one and can do both when you have time. Your coaching sessions are strategically scheduled after you complete certain modules, and our only request is that you complete those within 4 months of beginning the program. Remember, a job search takes 3-6 months. You really don't want to prolong it though. We want you to get momentum, get the interviews and land the job. Our recommendation is that you carve out 2 hours a week for the program to get maximum results.

In Their Own Words...

what some of our students are saying

"Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without your support...

Hamdi Mohamed, Temple University; Senior Equities Specialist, Bloomberg

Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without your support. I truly mean that. I got the Finance Analytics and Sales role I initially applied for. I am super excited!! It was a tough 4 rounds of interviews but I managed.”

"Without Elaine and her team, I would not have landed the job I am currently in...

Danielle Paul, Loyola Marymount University; Accounting, Jitasa

"Elaine has incredible follow-up, truly cares about making a positive difference in your career, and is a knowledgeable expert in her field! She made me aware of a career path that is perfect for my skills and interests and without her and the team at Beacon Lane, I would not have landed the job that I am currently in!

"I got an offer from CBS Interactive...

Chloe Chen, UCLA-Davis; Revenue Optimization Analyst, CBS Corporation

I got an offer from CBS Interactive and will start working soon. Thanks for your help along the way! I got some really good advice and that helped me get the position that I want!

"I highly recommend Beacon Lane to anyone who wants an unparalleled coaching and consulting experience...

Rebecca Rothschild, Global Communications Leader, United Technologies

"Elaine has been my guiding star - a person with great integrity and sound guidance. She has provided incomparable support in navigating some of my most complex challenges. She is talented, smart and has great skill in keenly listening to her clients issues and then transforming what she’s heard into actions. I am fortunate to have been guided by her and highly recommend her and Beacon Lane to anyone who wants an unparalleled coaching and consulting experience.”

"I accepted the position for Social Media Coordinator in New York...

Kayla King-Sumner, Arizona State University; Social Media Coordinator, Discovery

"Good news! I accepted the position for Social Media Coordinator in New York. Thank you for all of your help and for connecting me. I could not have done this without you introducing me to the opportunity or your guidance.“

"I highly recommend Beacon Lane's program for anyone who wants to advance forward...

Amy Lucca, Technical Specialist, Microsoft

"Elaine is an expert in her field and comes with unparalleled experience in coaching and development. I highly recommend Beacon Lane’s program for anyone who wants to advance forward.”

"I received two offers...

Asjia Garner, California State University; Presidential Campaign

"Thank you so much for all of your support in helping us grads launch our career! Your tips and job alerts have been such an immense help! I just wanted to update you – I received two offers from Warner Bros and the Obama Foundation, but I will be taking a pause on my entertainment career to work for the 2020 presidential campaign as a digital advertising production assistant!”

"I've never felt so empowered and it's so gratifying to know I make a difference...

Lisa Levine, Marketing & Communications, Northwell Health Cancer Institute

"I don’t know how to thank Elaine for the way she helped me turn my life around. Her program gave me the confidence and tools to push through and hold my head high. I’ve stepped into decoding Oncologists clinical language so that cancer patients can understand their disease and make informed decisions. I’m certain I would have not gotten where I am today without Elaine by my side....she gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it. She somehow always knows how much to push to get me to the next level without overwhelming me.”

Join Us!

Get unstuck and eliminate your job search overwhelm by starting today. We will guide you every step of the way.

Elaine Davidson

Founder & CEO

"I have always had a knack for helping people chart their course, especially when it comes to their careers! I spent 20 years running global corporate recruiting functions for some of the worlds finest companies before founding Beacon Lane. Today we help companies all over the world design and implement next level recruiting strategies - - which makes us your absolute best secret weapon for learning how to land a job! Working with early career professionals is my truest gift. I created our signature LAND THE JOB program because I know, with certainty, that we can change the course of thousands of peoples lives. There is a way to do this without the fear, overwhelm and self-sabotage - and we cover it all in this program. I can't wait to meet you inside and watch you grow into the person you are meant to be." Academically speaking, I earned my Master’s Degree in Social and Organizational Psychology from Columbia University in New York City and my BBA in Accounting & Information Systems from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I am a graduate of Coach U, one of the world’s most reputable ICF-accredited coaching programs, earned my certification in Conflict Resolution, and am Six Sigma certified.

